On Saturday, March 2, META (Multilingual Educators Transforming Achievement) is inviting educators in the Central Valley of California to join them for a day of “learning, collaborating, networking, and celebrating” as they “explore the critical importance of identity development and investment in ensuring success for Emergent Multilingual Learners”.
The keynote speaker is Jim Cummins and presenters include Rosa Molina, Ana DeGenna, and Aracely Fox.
The event will also honor Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, a Finnish linguist and educator who coined the term “linguicism”, which refers to “ideologies and structures which are used to legitimate, effectuate, and reproduce unequal division of power and resources (both material and non-material) between groups which are defined on the basis of language”.
META is the Stanislaus County chapter of the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE).
About CABE
The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1976 to promote bilingual education and quality educational experiences for all students in California. CABE has chapters, members and affiliates, along with partnerships with other state and national advocacy organizations working to promote equity and student achievement for students with diverse cultural, racial, and linguistic backgrounds. CABE recognizes and honors the fact that we live in a rich multicultural, global society and that respect for diversity makes us a stronger state and nation.
For further information and to register for this event, visit https://sites.google.com/view/meta-cabe/home.