Audience Our readership is comprised of those who must stay informed on developments in the language/literacy education arena. This includes English Language (EL) and ELA, world language/bilingual educators and advisors, literacy and reading specialists, superintendents, principals, policymakers, teacher educators, study abroad advisors
and agents, students, course coordinators, and corporate training managers. Over 80% of our subscribers are based in the U.S. at schools, universities, career centers, libraries, and colleges from elementary through to adult education levels. More than 40,000 readers are served through bulk subscriptions to associations, school districts, multinational companies, and government agencies.
Background For over 21 years, Language Magazine has covered language related news while providing resources for teachers, students, and administrators. As world language, bilingual, dual-language, and English language learner
methodologies collide, Language Magazine explores these intersections, focusing on dual language and bilingual education programs and the state of literacy in the U.S. and abroad.
Through promoting equity, multicultural learning, global citizenship, language, and literacy education, Language Magazine provides well-researched insight into the latest breakthroughs in education.
Style The style of Language Magazine is American English. Our tone is professional yet approachable. Although the bulk of our readership is comprised of professional educators and administrators, the magazine is also read by policymakers, business people, students and interested parents, so try not to exclude any potential readers of your article. Most importantly, please be clear and succinct. Please include a short bio (max 50 words), including your academic title, your e-mail address (which will be published with your article, unless otherwise requested) and a phone number.
Quotations and References If you are using quotations, identify the sources. Depending on their length, it may be necessary to obtain permission for them to be used, so please give full information. If you quote references, give full bibliographic information.
Length and Format of Articles
Articles should generally be 1500-2500 words in length. We do accept shorter or longer articles, but we suggest a query e-mail first if your article is shorter or longer.
All articles must be original and not have been previously published.
Send a query e-mail first describing your proposed article in a paragraph to [email protected]
Articles should be submitted electronically in Word to [email protected]
We reserve the right to edit all articles for length and style.
Please expect titles and subtitles to be edited.
If there are questions or substantive changes, then we will communicate with you.
We are not able to publish all articles submitted even if the proposal has been agreed.
Some articles may be published exclusively online and some printed articles may only appear online in the digital edition of the magazine.
Copyright Your article will be published on the understanding that the copyright in the article is retained by the author whilst granting Language Magazine full publication rights. The Publisher will not give permission to reproduce the article elsewhere without your permission, provided that you reply to any request within two weeks. Any application made to you to reproduce your article should be forwarded to the editor. Any fee received for the reproduction of the article will be shared 50/50 between you and the Publisher. If you wish to use the article again in a publication written or edited by you, you may do so provided that its original publication in Language Magazine is acknowledged.
Any article that is accepted for publication in Language Magazine may also appear on Language Magazine Online.