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Audio Dissection

Language is as much a skill as it is a subject. Therefore, language learning must involve not only vocabulary and grammar study, but also practice and training of the skills necessary to communicate in...

Audio Dissection

Seventeen-year-old Akshay Swaminathan shares his technique to improve world-language comprehension Language is as much a skill as it is a subject. Therefore, language learning must involve not only vocabulary and grammar study, but also practice...

Audio Dissection

Seventeen-year-old Akshay Swaminathan shares his technique to improve world-language comprehension Language is as much a skill as it is a subject. Therefore, language learning must involve not only vocabulary and grammar study, but also practice...

April 2015

Listen to Mother Never in history has it been more important to be literate, yet nearly one in six adults around the world cannot read or write in any language. In our communication age people...

April 2015

Cutting to the Common Core Constructive Conversations Constance Dziombak finds that quality academic conversations help ELLs to clarify and express their arguments Audio Dissection Seventeen-year-old Akshay Swaminathan shares his technique to improve world-language comprehension Harnessing the Power of...
Language Magazine