Tag: classroom
Seven Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive Foreign Language Classroom
Anna Matis, author of 7 Steps to a Language-Rich, Interactive, Foreign Language Classroom, shares the secrets of her own success: MAQ
When I received the keys...
Early Language Key to School Success
Kim Echart of the University of Washington News reports on a new study...
Busting Myths, Telling Truths
Matt Renwick recommends a grounded approach when it comes to technology in the classroom
In a first-grade classroom, two teachers co-facilitated a literacy lesson. It...
Growing Gains
Diane Glass explains why measuring reading growth should be a top priority for educators
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are transforming the way that...
When Literacy Gets Critical
Lina Sun provides a rationale for integrating peace education into the English curriculum through graphic novels
Graphic novels, which tell real and fictional stories using...
Talk, Read, Talk, Write
Nancy Motley suggests a routine for literacy in all content areas
Teachers often feel immense pressure to cover too much material in too little time....
Lone Stars
To celebrate Language Magazine’s partnership with the TCEA (Texas Computer
Education Association) at its annual convention in Austin this month, here is a