Tag: researchers

TOEFL Post Pandemic

Just as the rest of the education industry has learned, adapted, and pivoted over the last two and a half years, so too has...

Help Design the 2030 Census—what languages should it be in?

Your Feedback is Needed Now to Make...

Using Comics to Teach

Over the past two centuries, as the world has benefited from globalization, the US has evolved as a monolingual country. I...

House Passes Biliteracy Education Seal and Teaching Act

This week, the House of Representatives approved an amendment to the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that authorizes the Biliteracy Education and Seal Teaching...

Unifying Language Acquisition with Literacy Instruction for Language-Minority Students

Lexia Learning, a company specializing in structured literacy, recently convened a roundtable on a subject that has been...

The Science of the Bilingual Reading Brain

“We are plural. The I is an illusion:...

A Road to Reading

We have learned the past 20 years, through cognitive science research, that over 90% of students can learn to read at grade level by...

Motivate Readers Now!

No one disputes the benefits of extensive reading (ER) for students of English. There is a substantial body of evidence supporting using graded readers...

Queering English Language Classrooms

(June 2022) Ethan Trinh invites us to think and do differently

The Power of Cultural and Linguistic Connections

(May 2022) Daphne Germain shares a mother’s perspective on the benefits of bilingual, bicultural education
Language Magazine