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HomeLanguage NewsnewsAATSP's 104th Annual Conference Right Around the Corner

AATSP’s 104th Annual Conference Right Around the Corner

The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese is holding its 104th AATSP Annual Conference in beautiful San Juan, Puerto Rico July 9-12th, 2022. The conference theme this year is Valorando nuestras raíces y construyendo nuestro futuro / Valorizando nossas raízes e construindo nosso futuro. The theme celebrates heritage language learners and all language learners. It recognizes the importance of honoring one’s roots while we build our future. The conference theme reflects our rich and varied program that includes over 375 sessions, workshops, e-posters, plenaries, and special events.

Highlights include:

Keynote Speaker, María Carreira, “Teaching with Vitality in Mind: Aligning Instruction to the State of Spanish in the United States”

Opening Plenary Speaker, Kim Haas, “A Tropical Journey: Bringing Afro-Latino Travels to Television”

Portuguese Plenary Speaker, Gláucia Silva, “A relevância da gramática na opinião de aprendizes de português: foco em língua de herança”

Language and Linguistic Plenary Speakers, Richard Bueno Hudson, Jesús Fernández González, and José Luis Vega with moderator Florencia Henshaw, “Lo uno y lo diverso”

Over 750 participants will share language teaching tips, research, best practices, innovations, inspiration, and ideas in the Caribe Hilton, San Juan. Conference attendees are encouraged to explore the wonders of La Isla del Encanto!

Make your plan for next summer when the AATSP will meet in Salamanca, Spain.

Language Magazine
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