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Make Hay before the Sun Sets

The sun is shining on language education in the US, and 2024 could turn out to be a pivotal year for the creation of...

Opinion: Popular Balance and Support in Migration

Migration and language learning are so intrinsically linked that, especially at this time of year, language educators cannot help but think about the millions...

Better Together

The US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn four decades of legal precedent and effectively ban higher education institutions from using race-conscious admissions practices is...

Teaching Bilingually Is Cool

Back in 2002, when Language Magazine published its...

Promoting Transnational Education

There may not be a direct correlation, but it appears that international conflicts and tensions have increased in the wake of the pandemic and...

Fear and Learning in Washington

The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives has wasted little time in pushing ahead with its agenda of restricting progress in schools,...

Laying Down the Law

Every few years, education bubbles up to the top of the political agenda in state capitols across the US and legislatures scramble to pass...

Allow Teachers Their Own Voices

Facing the most severe teacher shortage in history, with record levels of dissatisfaction in the profession and an acute shortage of racially diverse teachers,...

Fair Refuge

The treatment of refugees and other migrants trying to enter supposedly civilized countries has reached new lows recently with more deaths worldwide, including at...

Last Call to Cut Child Poverty

Now that the dust is settling after midterm election results that surprised many pundits—who had probably not taken into account the sophistication of the...

Vote Against Child Poverty

As we approach the midterm elections in the US, policies and agendas are being debated and scrutinized, but there is one issue on which...

Opinion: Ready for the World

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and its...

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Language Magazine