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Language Magazine is a monthly print and online publication that provides cutting-edge information for language learners, educators, and professionals around the world.

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Podcast Seeks to Legitimize US Spanish

Spanish speakers in the US, among linguists and nonlinguists, have been denigrated for the way that they speak, says UC Berkeley sociolinguist Justin Davidson....
HomeCOVID-19: Resources for Successful Remote EducationPD Provider Offering Resources for Education Leaders

PD Provider Offering Resources for Education Leaders

K-12 education company Solution Tree is offering education leaders free resources including reproducibles, study guides, and webinars. To access these resources, visit

They have also launched Travel-Free PD, a website with free, shareable tools for education leaders. Visit for details.

Along with Solution Tree, Marzano Resources is offering free resources, including reproducibles and webinars. To access these resources, visit A library of recorded webinars can be accessed at

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