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Language Magazine is a monthly print and online publication that provides cutting-edge information for language learners, educators, and professionals around the world.

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Podcast Seeks to Legitimize US Spanish

Spanish speakers in the US, among linguists and nonlinguists, have been denigrated for the way that they speak, says UC Berkeley sociolinguist Justin Davidson....
HomeCOVID-19: Resources for Successful Remote EducationOnline Recording & Editing Studio Extending Free Trial to Schools

Online Recording & Editing Studio Extending Free Trial to Schools

Soundtrap for Education, an online recording and editing studio, is extending its free trial for any school that signs up to try it with students this semester. Schools that register for a trial account are eligible for free access, including those that are not currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Using Soundtrap, teachers and students can create, communicate, and collaborate to explore creative sound-making through audio stories, music creation, podcasting, literacy training, and more. The cloud-based studio offers a safe learning environment that can be accessed via any device, at any time, from any location. Educators can create a free school trial account by visiting Soundtrap’s website and selecting “Start as a Teacher.”

Language Magazine
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