
Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

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Ukraine Focuses on Minority Languages

Last month, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in cooperation with the European Union and the Council of Europe, organized a round...

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Indigenous Taiwanese Languages Now Available on Wikipedia

The overwhelming majority of the world’s languages have a very small presence on the Internet—just 35 languages make up about 99% of the content...

Virginia Launches ASL support for COVID-19 Call Center

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals across America are still struggling with a lack of access to information...

LRA Releases Report on Dyslexia Research

In response to the growing national attention around dyslexia in both the government and the media, the Literacy Research Association (LRA) has released a...

Early Language Acquisition in COVID Lockdowns

Extensive research during the COVID-19 pandemic has shown its effect on the way we talk and engage with our language, like the introduction of...

CUP Announces Regional Winners of Global Teacher Appreciation Award

Cambridge University Press (CUP) has announced six regional winners in the 2021 Dedicated Teacher Awards, an international competition honoring outstanding educators. This year, there were...

Take Poverty out of the Literacy Equation for Good

The federal economic stimulus package passed last month achieves...

After Whiteness

(April 2021) J. P. B. Gerald, Vijay A. Ramjattan, and Scott Stillar present the first part of a vision of a possible future for English language teaching

First Canadian Bachelor’s Degree in Nsyilxcn

The University of British Columbia (UBC) Okanagan is on track to become the first university in Canada to offer an undergraduate degree in Indigenous...

Celebrating Multilingual Learner Identity through Personal Narrative Instruction

The social isolation and countless hours of silent, independent assignments young linguistically diverse scholars have endured during the past year of online learning have...

Pre-K Quality Stalls in NYC

Young children from low-income New York City families—many of...

See It, Say It

There is an old adage that says a picture...

Milestones in Language Acquisition

Maryville University

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Language Magazine