
Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

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Chinese ‘Linguistic Coup’ in East Africa

As part of its goal to displace American influence, China is winning linguistic hearts in East Africa (a bloc of 300 million people), by...

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Official Launch of International Year of Indigenous Languages

The official launch of the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL), co-organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the...

Korean Royal Code

The new crown prince of Korea, tech entrepreneur Andrew Lee, a Korean-American, owes his royal title to a plan to create a free coding...

China Wants Filipino English Teachers

An English-teaching platform aimed at the $4.5 billion market for online language lessons in China is looking to hire 100,000 Filipino English teachers over...

Russian Wrangles with Ukrainian

More than 60% of Ukrainian citizens want the Ukrainian language to be the only official state language in the country, according to the results...

Celebrating International Greek Language Day

February 9 has been declared international Greek language day in hopes of sparking interest in the language worldwide. The date coincides with Commemoration Day of Greece’s...

Google Splashes Out on Super Bowl Ad Focusing on Language

Genevieve Finn reports on the tech giant's moves in machine translation and interpretation Google used one of its two valuable Super Bowl ad spots to...

WaPo Launches Arabic Editorial

In response to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post is launching an Arabic-language editorial section, which will feature columns by writers...

Spanish Climbs Charts Online

Thanks to streaming services like YouTube and Spotify, Latin music has been gaining popularity across the U.S. According to data from YouTube, the top...

New Mexico to Drop PARCC Exam

As one of her first acts as New Mexico’s new governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that the state will stop using the Partnership for...

Diverse Reasons for Optimism

As we start a new year, it’s usually a good time to reflect upon the progress and shortfalls of the previous year while planning...

Big Apple Goes Bilingual

 NYC Launches 47 New, Free Pre-K Dual-Language Programs New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza kicked off the first day...

Bill May Relax AZ English Immersion

2/19/19 UPDATE: Arizona’s House Education Committee has unanimously approved HCR 2026, which would give Arizona voters the opportunity to repeal the state’s English-only instruction...

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