Save time and money by contacting the qualified, motivated teachers you need through a medium they trust
Rates from $450 or choose one of our discount packages to maximize your spend:

Budget Plan
- One 3-month web listing
- One geo-targeted newsletter (5,000)
- One eighth page advert in a monthly edition of your choice (print & digital)
- $1150.00

Mid-Range Plan
- Three 3-month web listings
- Two geo-targeted newsletters (5,000 each)
- Three quarter page adverts (print & digital)
- $2250.00
Diverse District Plan
- Six 3-month web listings (or 3 x 6-month web listings)
- Three geo-targeted newsletters (10,000 each)
- One full page advert (print & digital)
- Two half page adverts (print & digital)
- $4950.00