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STEM Is Not Only a Course, It’s an Experience

(August 2022) Darlyne de Haan argues that we must be explicitly intentional to open up the opportunity of STEM to English learners

English Divide in Francophone West Africa

(July 2022) Mawa Samb offers solutions to the challenges created by teaching across a language divide

Queering English Language Classrooms

(June 2022) Ethan Trinh invites us to think and do differently

Improving Language Equity for the Seals of Biliteracy

Heritage language learners add to the rich variety of the U.S.’s languages, yet all too often those very...

The Power of Cultural and Linguistic Connections

(May 2022) Daphne Germain shares a mother’s perspective on the benefits of bilingual, bicultural education

The Endangered Language Alliance

(April 2022) Laura Silver reports on initiatives to protect and develop New York City’s linguistic diversity

Seeing Themselves in the Story

(March 2022) Ayanna Cooper asks Chanda Austin about the importance of diverse representation in children’s literature

The 3 Es of Using Translated Materials

Social–emotional learning (SEL) has gained traction in education over the last 20 years. Over the previous two years, it has held a prominent place...

After Whiteness III

(February 2022) J. P. B. Gerald, Vijay A. Ramjattan, and Scott Stillar share ideas on how the ELT industry could evolve if Whiteness were successfully decentered

But You’re Not What We’re Looking For

(January 2022) Mary Romney-Schaab explores employment discrimination in English language teaching

English Hegemony as an Issue of Justice

(December 2021) Richard C. Benton Jr. argues that multilingualism is the birthright of all Americans

Reclaiming Wôpanâak Language

(November 2021) Ayanna Cooper celebrates Native American Heritage Month with a vision of linguistic decolonization

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Language Magazine