Tag: multilingual learners

Literacy in Spanish and English

Building early literacy skills is imperative for all...

A Superpower Hidden in Plain Sight

How can educators ensure that emerging bilingual students are well served in their schools, and how can we as educators foster linguistic...

Instructional Audio Solutions for All Students and Educators

Lightspeed, a provider of powerful instructional audio solutions, has released research showing that instructional audio solutions benefit all student groups and educators beyond the...

Creating Welcoming Classrooms

Supporting social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools is essential for the growth and success of all students, and this is especially true for...

Success from the Student Perspective

The many components of a successful English as a second language (ESL) program became apparent to me watching students thrive in a neighborhood public...

Learning from Long Shadows

My decade-long involvement in shadowing projects across the country has taught me that the average percentage of time that multilingual learners (MLLs) are speaking...

Managing Reunions

This fall, many educators across the U.S. will be welcoming students back to brick-and-mortar classrooms for the first time in 18 months. Along with...
Language Magazine