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Language Magazine is a monthly print and online publication that provides cutting-edge information for language learners, educators, and professionals around the world.

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Indiana Saves Seal of Biliteracy Program

Under pressure from language learning advocates, Rep. Robert Behning, the Chairman of Indiana’s House Education Committee, has introduced an amendment to his own bill...

WIDA Response

HomeFeaturesJune 2012

June 2012

June 2012 Cover

Speaking to le Monde
Richard Shryock argues that French is the most practical language to learn

Strategic Mentoring
Betty Achinstein, Susan O’Hara, Robert Pritchard, and Jeff Zwiers explore how specific training of mentors for new teachers improves English learner outcomes

Cutting to the Common Core
As the introduction to a series of articles on how implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will affect teaching, Language Magazine presents a selection of expert advice

Public Addressing
Luis F. Suarez charts the legal developments in translation and interpretation requirements at public schools

La Princesse
Celebrate the majesty of France by studying its language chez elle

The French Revolution
Fabrice Jaumont charts the rise French-English dual-language programs

Psychic Linguistic Processing
Athina Kontos witnesses Clif High’s lexical ball

Last Writes Richard Lederer and the Name Game

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