

January 2024 Inside the Issue

Innovating with Frameworks and AI Sara Davila uses frameworks to focus on literacy goals and choose the AI tools best suited to achieving learning outcomes Is...

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References Meeting the Needs of Linguistically Diverse Students

Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., Gardner, M. (2017). Effective Teacher Professional Development. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute. Garcia, A. (2020). Grow Your Own...

February 2024 Inside the Issue

Students at the CenterMarika Iyer presents culturally sustaining and critical language practices for today’s schools Breaking Down the Monolingual WallJan Gustafson-Corea introduces a special article...

January 2024 Inside the Issue

Innovating with Frameworks and AI Sara Davila uses frameworks to focus on literacy goals and choose the AI tools best suited to achieving learning outcomes Is...

January 2023 Inside the Issue

Telling Our Own Tales Pam Allyn and Ernest Morrell suggest ten ways to help every student harness the power of story Taking a Stand! Moving Forward:...

December 2019 Inside the Issue

From Deficit-Based to Assets-Based:Breaking Down the Wall One Essential Shift at a Time Debbie Zacarian and Diane Staehr Fenner in conversation with Dan Alpert A...

November 2018 Inside the Issue

Bridging the Gap between Awareness and Action Trey Calvin explains how to advocate for America’s languages Authentic,Affirming, and AccessibleMarsha Riddle Buly and Tracy L. Coskieoffer a framework...

December 2018 Inside the Issue

A Statistically Significant Success StoryKate Kinsella and Theresa Hancock offer a compelling story about a successful program that put hundreds of adolescent English learners on...

January 2019 Inside the Issue

Cooperative Construction Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove examine the architecture of co-assessment practices for English learners Breaking Barriers in Communication while Illustrating Our Humanity Michelle Zimmerman explores how artificial...

February 2019 Inside the Issue

When One Size Doesn’t Fit All Sara Davila addresses the challenges of Mixed Ability Classrooms Evaluating Continuing Education Julie Yaeger explains how to find the perfect professional learning fit Changing...

March 2019 Inside the Issue

Bringing it All Together Joanna Duggan and Teddi Predaris examine the ten key components of an English learner master plan Languages, Plants, and People K. David Harrison on Environmental...

June 2018

Bringing a Dying Language Back to Life Brigid O’Rourke describes how a Harvard instructor has introduced seventh graders to the world of Gullah Making Connections That Count Roberto...

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Language Magazine