

Unlocking the Vietnamese Language: A Student’s Perspective in Saigon

Vietnam—the land of delicious food, viral-worthy motorcycle traffic, immense history, and… language classes? Learning Vietnamese is definitely not on the radar for many language...

The Mexican American

Project Seeks to Preserve Syriac

Texas A&M University historian Dr. Daniel Schwartz and likeminded colleagues from around the world have been working to help preserve Syriac and its 2,000...

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Teacher, Influencer, Developer

Diversity has become a more common topic, especially at work. It is looked at not only in terms of race and gender but also...

Background Knowledge and Where to Get It

Stephen Krashen argues that those who read more know more Wexler (2023) has pointed out that a reader’s background knowledge is a significant predictor...

Providing Mirrors and Windows for Emergent Bilinguals

Words matter. Bilingualism and multilingualism are superpowers. But the US education system has not always had that view. Traditionally, not speaking English has been...

Embracing Bilingual Assessment

Fluency in multiple languages can increase opportunities and lead to remarkable achievements. As US education secretary Dr. Miguel...

Why Dual Language Works for Everyone

Bilingualism is becoming popular as more and more...

The Promise of Automated Writing Evaluation for English Learners

Automated writing evaluation (AWE) encompasses a range of...

Beginning of the School Year: Conversations and Considerations

(September 2023) Ayanna Cooper recommends setting up systems and structures that include student goal setting

Integrating AI

By now, you’ve heard about generative AI...

Re-imagining Teacher Education Through MSIs

“You may find some superficial changes in terms...

I Teach Content in Secondary Schools. Do I Need to Teach Reading?

Margarita Calderón, Leticia M. Trower, and Lisa Tartaglia...

Drawing from Strengths

Alina moved to the US from Irpin, Ukraine,...

Can Minority Serving Institutions Solve the Teacher Shortage Crisis?

“You may find some superficial changes in terms of science books where you see more Black kids or Native American kids in the chapters,...

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Language Magazine