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Decoding Dyslexia

Dyslexia Canada1 reports that as much as...

Building Pathways to Earning California’s PK–3 Credential

California’s Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)1 is establishing a pre-K–3 early childhood education (ECE) specialist credential to build the pipeline for a qualified, diverse...

AI in Class

How we learn languages today still needs to be updated. Even now, we are seeing classrooms with one teacher lecturing to 30 pupils all...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall VII: Meeting the Needs of Linguistically Diverse Students

As the benefits of bilingualism and biliteracy become...

Dual Language Expectations

In an increasingly globalized...

Innovating with Frameworks and AI

ChatGPT launched to the public a little over...

Building Young Writers’ Stamina

You just finished a mini-lesson in your Spanish...

Is the Best Form of Input Interactive?

This article summarizes the first results of an ongoing experiment which tests how text-based computer games called hypertext fictions (HFs) compare to traditional reading...

Film Aims to Revitalize Mixtec

Two Illinois State University students recently visited the town of San Sebastián del Monte, a small community in southern Mexico, to produce a documentary...

Crafting a Winning School Marketing Plan

As funding for public education is dependent...

Building Passionate Teams

Premise Charlemagne once said,...

Reflective Reading

It is imperative that students have access to culturally responsive materials that help them understand not only themselves but others as well. Research shows...

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Language Magazine