Tag: language

Germans Give $1.2 Million for English Research

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted a Reinhart Koselleck Project to Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik of the Department of English at the University...

Helpful Resources for Preservice and In-Service Teachers and Academics

Routledge’s books for K–12 world language teachers include The World Language Teacher’s Guide to...

Transitioning to Standards-Based Classrooms

In A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning, published by Marzano Research, authors Tammy Heflebower,...

Prereading: Priming the Pump

Have you ever read a book and laughed out loud? Has a book or other text ever made you cry, get angry, or feel...

Have Fun Learning

If kids are having fun while learning a language, it is much more likely they will enjoy it and want to keep learning. One...

Austria Links Welfare to German

The amount of the minimum income protection in Austria is now to be made dependent on the German language skills, among other factors, according...

Making S-PACE for Grammar

Manuela Gonzalez-Bueno introduces a new model to teach second-language grammar The complexities of teaching and learning a foreign language have been greatly explored over the last...

Coding Bills Threaten Language Requirement

The U.S. House and Senate have both introduced bills that encourage the replacement of math, science, and foreign language courses with computer coding in...

Decoding Versus Cognitive Ability

Terrie L. Noland believes we need to understand the automaticity of executing lower-level reading processes in order to master higher-level comprehension Automaticity is necessary in everything we do to enable...

Global Language Games Worth $2.5 Billion By 2026

According to a new report by Zion Market Research, the global language learning games market, which was valued at about $377 million last year,...
Language Magazine