

Demystifying Dyslexia

Often, schools under-identify multilinguals with dyslexia because they think the issue is language-based, so they don’t evaluate the student. There are places where multilingual students are overrepresented because we think we’ve given them the right kind of intervention when we actually haven’t. So, the relationship between multilingual students and special education is complicated.

Make a Plan for Oracy

Paving Pathways for Multilinguals

Career and technical education (CTE) courses and programs...

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Students at the Center

All educators are teachers...

Educating Students about the Lived Experience in Canada

Schools across Canada have recognized National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for two years to incorporate the legacy of residential schools into the classroom....

World Readiness for a World in Conflict

Not long ago, my husband and I were in our kitchen discussing the news of escalating conflict in Gaza when he asked an unexpectedly...

Building Interpreter and Translator Networks

During the past decade, interpreter and translator services...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall

There couldn’t be a...

A Bilingual Path to Literacy Success

I have been the principal at Georgia Brown...

Unlocking the Vietnamese Language: A Student’s Perspective in Saigon

Vietnam—the land of delicious food, viral-worthy motorcycle traffic, immense history, and… language classes? Learning Vietnamese is definitely not on the radar for many language...

From Advocate to Activist: One Teacher’s Journey

Classroom teacher: “That kid from Africa. He’s suspended...


Juan does a double take when I mention Joyabaj. “¿De veras?” he asks. We’d been chatting about my recent trip to Guatemala as he...

The Mexican American

Originally published in June 2007, Language Magazine is republishing this article in memoriam of the activist, artist, and author, Herman Sillas. I had gone...

You All Belong Here

You know that feeling when you enter a room and instantly realize there is a meeting happening and you were not invited? Think about...

Recognizing Language Disorders in Multilingual Children

Communication is a human right, in any and all languages. Children of all backgrounds start communicating from birth, though this communication looks and sounds...

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Language Magazine