

Demystifying Dyslexia

Often, schools under-identify multilinguals with dyslexia because they think the issue is language-based, so they don’t evaluate the student. There are places where multilingual students are overrepresented because we think we’ve given them the right kind of intervention when we actually haven’t. So, the relationship between multilingual students and special education is complicated.

Make a Plan for Oracy

Paving Pathways for Multilinguals

Career and technical education (CTE) courses and programs...

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Dyslexia Legislation Only Gets Us So Far

In October, education communities across the country recognized Dyslexia Awareness Month. The National Institute of Health and Yale University found approximately one in five...

Building Capacity FOR Collaboration and THROUGH Collaboration

During the past decade, interpreter and translator services...

The Future of Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is creating exciting new opportunities...

Acting UP

When I signed up for an improv theater...

No Sabo

One day while at work, I was speaking...

The Art of Writing?

It’s been a rough...

Weaving Feeling into Learning

Teaching students social–emotional skills like collaboration, communication, decision-making,...

Comprehensible Data – Part II Let’s Walk Through

(October 2023) Ayanna Cooper gets excited about the data… and what it can help us achieve

Assessing Multilingual Learners’ Multiliteracies

"The notion of ‘multiliteracies’ describes the suite of essential skills students should possess in this globalized and digital age." Significance of Multiliteracies Today’s K–12 classrooms...

The North Star of Leadership

Despite one of the most brutal winter storms...

Teacher, Influencer, Developer

Diversity has become a more common topic, especially at work. It is looked at not only in terms of race and gender but also...

Background Knowledge and Where to Get It

Stephen Krashen argues that those who read more know more Wexler (2023) has pointed out that a reader’s background knowledge is a significant predictor...

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Language Magazine