Tag: education

Progress on Migrant and Refugee Education Worldwide

UNESCO’s 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report, Migration, displacement and education, shows that the number of migrant and refugee school-age children around the world today...

EdTech for English Learners

U.S. Department of Education data show that English learners in grades K–12 in U.S. public schools in the 2015–16 school year numbered over five...

Germans Give $1.2 Million for English Research

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted a Reinhart Koselleck Project to Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik of the Department of English at the University...

Making S-PACE for Grammar

Manuela Gonzalez-Bueno introduces a new model to teach second-language grammar The complexities of teaching and learning a foreign language have been greatly explored over the last...

Approval of SEAL

Sobrato Philanthropies, funded through the real estate successes of the Sobrato family in Silicon Valley, has developed an innovative pre-K to third-grade capacity-building program...

Standardized Testing Detriment to Minority Children

Over the last year or so, the movement against high-stakes standardized testing has subsided, maybe due to educational activists focusing their attention on more...

Unintended Consequences

Katie Nielson asks if online collaboration may sabotage language learning Facing decreased enrollment and increasing student demand for a return on investment, higher education is...

Fun Way for Adults to Learn Words

Vocabulary Systems, Inc. has launched Vocab Victor, a word learning app to help English language learners improve their vocabulary by playing games on their...

Report Challenges California’s System to Identify English Learner Needs

Study of local plans identifies key improvements to fix the system Californians Together is releasing a new report today entitled Masking the Focus on English...

Testing Reformed

Lance Knowles explains how advances in technology and cognitive neuroscience allow us to assess and modify the quality of learning and practice A major benefit...
Language Magazine