
Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

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Chinese ‘Linguistic Coup’ in East Africa

As part of its goal to displace American influence, China is winning linguistic hearts in East Africa (a bloc of 300 million people), by...

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Language Teacher vs. Acquisition Facilitator

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UN: Multilingual Education is ‘Absolutely Essential’

Learning languages is a promise of peace, innovation, and creativity, and will contribute to the achievement of global development goals, the head of the...

Colorado Senate Embraces Seal of Biliteracy

On the day after Valentine's Day, Colorado’s bilingual advocates received a belated gift from their state senate. The Republican-controlled senate voted in favor of...

Community Service

Jason Stricker explains how the Supporting Teacher Effectiveness Project helps create professional learning communities that work Research suggests that one of the main factors influencing...

Sign-Language Leads to Better Peripheral Vision

A new report in Frontiers in Psychology found that deaf adults who use British Sign Language (BSL) had significantly faster peripheral vision reaction time...

The Weeknd Donates $50K for Ancient Language

The University of Toronto is continuing its courses on Ge’ez thanks in part to a $50,000 donation from the Grammy Award–winning musician The Weeknd....

Language Key to National Identity

A new survey by the Pew Research Center reveals that language is a much more significant factor to national identity than birthplace. According to...

Language Magazine’s Short Guide to the Oscars Foreign Language Nominees

The annual awards ceremony is under way this month, and the race for best foreign-language film is under way. This year’s nominations have been...

Spanish Film Festival in Prague

From documentaries and horror films to coming-of-age dramas, La Película has something for everyone. The festival, organized by Cervantes Institute, the Spanish embassy in...

Adding Madness to Method

Carol Gaab questions the value of traditional...

Dual Language Could ‘Save’ LA Schools

According to speakers at last month’s meeting of Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD’s) Early Childhood Education and Parent Engagement Committee, early dual-language programs...

Teacher Resources for Black History Month

Looking Back to Move Forward Ayanna Cooper shares teacher resources for Black History Month Black History Week began as a week-long celebration to acknowledge achievements of Black Americans...

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Language Magazine